
Project Kickoff Meeting

A project kickoff meeting is a chance to meet with team members and stakeholders before the project starts so you can align on key details and get buy-in on critical milestones. Plan to host your project kickoff meeting after you've gotten your project one pager approved and created your project spec, but before you've actually started working on the project.

When you host a kickoff meeting, you’ll outline your project purpose, goals, plan, and more—while also making time for team members to ask questions and clarify any next steps. At the end of a kickoff meeting, the entire team should have a shared understanding about what you’re working on, why, and how the work will be accomplished.

Make time for questions

After the kickoff, your project team may have questions about something you presented, like the scope of the project or certain task expectations. Make sure to leave plenty of time at the end of the kickoff meeting to answer any questions. Remember: the goal of the project kickoff is for everyone to leave the meeting on the same page and ready to get started.

After the kickoff meeting

Once the project kickoff meeting has completed, the best way to maintain alignment and clarity after your project kickoff is to maintain a central source of truth and collaboration. The project spec should be the singular document in Notion that is maintained as the source of truth for the project. In addition, Jira should be used as the project management tool used for work, status updates, and messages.