UX Researcher Competencies

Skill (Individual)
Influence (Team)
Thinking (Team)
L1 - Researcher I
• Developing an understanding of core research methodologies (e.g., qualitative, quantitative, market research) • Designing effective research with guidance from your manager and stakeholders
• Creating clear research deliverables that identify relevant insights • Proactively sharing findings with core stakeholders • Clearly communicating processes and findings with support from your manager
• Developing actionable insights with coaching from your manager • Ensuring research includes recommendations relevant to project outcome goals • Receiving positive feedback from stakeholders on the actionability of your work
L2 - Researcher II
• Strong understanding of core research methodologies and developing knowledge of an additional methodology • Designing effective research in collaboration with your manager and stakeholders
• Creating clear research deliverables that identify relevant insights • Proactively sharing findings at the team level • Effectively communicating processes and findings to broader teams
• Providing actionable recommendations relevant to project outcome goals and product team roadmaps • Collaborating on research recommendations with core stakeholders • Receiving positive feedback on the actionability of your work from the product team
L3 - Sr Researcher
• Expert understanding of core research methodologies and developed knowledge of an additional methodology • Designing effective research and collaborating on research designs with other researchers
• Creating clear research deliverables that identify relevant insights • Proactively sharing findings at the product pillar level • Seeking feedback from other researchers and over-communicating processes and findings to broader teams
• Ensuring research is actionable and relevant to project outcome goals and product pillar roadmaps • Collaborating with other researchers on recommendations • Receiving positive feedback on the actionability of your work from the pillar team
L4 - Lead Researcher
• Strong understanding of multiple research methodologies • Designing effective research and coaching others in research methodologies
• Influencing project leaders with your work • Delivering broader insights across product pillars • Coaching or training others on developing effective research deliverables
• Providing actionable research relevant to project outcome goals and multiple product pillar roadmaps • Coaching or training others on developing effective research recommendations • Receiving positive feedback on the actionability of your work from multiple pillars
L5 - Staff Researcher
• Strong understanding of most insight disciplines • Designing effective research and developing processes to improve the research team’s impact
• Influencing pillar leaders with your work • Proactively sharing broader insights at the company level • Improving how insights are shared across the company
• Ensuring research is actionable and influences the company roadmap and strategy • Helping the research team generate more effective research recommendations • Receiving positive feedback on the actionability of your work from senior leaders
L6 - Principal Researcher
• Expert understanding of all insight disciplines • Designing effective research, creating training programs, and improving research design processes company-wide
• Influencing the C-suite with your work • Regularly delivering broader insights at the company level and to the external research community • Demonstrating high-quality research influence at the company level and coaching the research team to enhance their impact on decision-makers
• Influencing C-suite decision-making, company roadmap, and strategy • Ensuring all research is actionable and receives positive feedback from C-suite stakeholders on its actionability