UX Designer Competencies

Level / Title
Skill (Individual)
Influence (Team)
Thinking (Team)
L1 - Designer I
• Understands basic product design principles • Effectively applies visual design elements like typography, layout, and information prioritization • Adheres to established design systems and best practices • Creates basic prototypes to validate design flows • Provides constructive feedback to enhance the team's work quality
• Collaborates with PMs and engineers, engaging in existing processes • Designs with consideration for the immediate problem space and context • Recognizes the scope and necessary exploration of projects • Understands the impact of their work on the product and other teams • Works iteratively without attachment to a single solution
• Begins to grasp the strategy behind their projects • Builds strong relationships within the team and with the design team • Uses product knowledge to inform design decisions • Leverages existing research to develop solutions • Iterates designs based on customer feedback and data • Starts to understand key metrics and how their projects drive them
L2 - Designer II
• Demonstrates solid understanding of product design fundamentals • Exhibits proficiency in visual design competencies • Selects design patterns with well-founded rationale • Contributes to the evolution of the design system • Identifies the best prototyping methods for different stages of work • Actively provides feedback to design and cross-functional partners
• Defines the design approach for their team • Designs with a broader awareness of the problem space • Focuses on creating clear, valuable solutions for users • Considers technical constraints in design work • Explores multiple design approaches, evaluating strengths and weaknesses to make informed recommendations
• Clearly understands the strategy behind project work • Provides input on product strategy and roadmaps • Identifies how design can contribute to team goals • Collaborates with researchers, analysts, and PMs on research briefs and facilitation • Understands and interprets success metrics effectively
L3 - Sr Designer
• Demonstrates expert-level understanding of UX and strong product design fundamentals • Drives improvements to the product's overall visual design • Delivers micro-interactions that provide user delight • Pairs with engineers through functional prototypes • Designs complex features with dependencies across product lines and surfaces • Begins to coach others in developing an understanding of product design
• Drives the design approach and shares practices that elevate the team • Prioritizes a level of doneness that helps the project move towards bringing value to users
• Plays a key role in setting the strategic direction for work • Begins to lead strategic conversations at the team level • Organizes and leads workshops, design sprints, and other forms of collaborative problem-solving • Collaborates with researchers and/or PMs to create and facilitate plans that inspire the customer vision • Identifies gaps in data and helps define necessary metrics for success
L4 - Lead Designer
• Demonstrates expert-level UX skills with specialization in certain areas • Proactively addresses gaps in existing systems • Applies expertise to meet team and broader product design needs • Fosters a culture of design excellence and high standards • Uses prototyping to envision and communicate future product states • Sometimes coaches others in understanding product design
• Improves processes across teams and stakeholders • Clarifies how design decisions impact other teams within the company • Focuses the team on essential tasks, encouraging effective problem-solving • Promotes learning over attachment to specific solutions • Models a rationale-driven approach to design thinking
• Plays a key role in setting long-term strategic direction for the team • Leads strategic product conversations at the team level • Supports other senior team members in organizing and leading workshops and sprints • Leads research to inspire and find new opportunities for the team • Helps the team define success metrics
L5 - Staff Designer
• Applies expert-level product design principles to high-priority projects • Leads design work that influences multiple teams • Champions design quality and high craft standards • Regularly coaches others in product design
• Establishes innovative ways of working for product design teams • Encourages holistic thinking about the problem space • Brings sophistication to managing complexity in design work • Cultivates high standards of design thinking within the team • Enhances the team's focus on priority tasks • Fosters rationale-driven design decision-making
• Deeply understands company-wide strategy and goals • Contributes to strategic discussions beyond the team • Guides critical, high-impact design work for the company • Understands company OKRs and aligns design work to drive them
L6 - Principal Designer
• Applies expert-level product design principles to high-impact projects • Advocates for product design methodologies internally and externally • Provides critical feedback and guidance on interaction design across the company
• Expands the team's understanding of the broader design context • Promotes design thinking as essential for solving user problems
• Drives strategic conversations at the company level • Champions the evolution of best practices • Ensures the team uses the best methods to solve problems • Helps define company OKRs and aligns design efforts to achieve them