
Getting to Know You

Within the first couple of weeks, I do 1:1s with each team member to learn about them. I follow this Q&A document and save it to refer to later.

These are a list of questions that I ask each designer on the team in order to learn more about them as well as understand how I can best support them. I typically go over these questions within the first few 1:1s.

  1. What is most important to you in life? (what are your personal priorities)
  2. What kind of person do you aspire to become?
  3. What are your career goals and aspirations?
  4. Are you satisfied with your current career position? Why or why not?
  5. How do you feel about your current career path and trajectory?
  6. What generally motivates you?
  7. What keeps you engaged and motivated at work?
  8. When have you felt the most inspired at work? Why?
  9. When did you produce your best work? What contributed to that?
  10. What are your unique qualities?
  11. What are your strengths?
  12. Which skills would you like to develop further?
  13. What have you enjoyed the most about your previous roles or companies?
  14. How would you describe your ideal position, and why?
  15. What do you need to be successful in your role?
  16. How would you describe your ideal work environment, and why?
  17. What worked well and what didn’t with your previous manager?
  18. What type of feedback do you prefer?